Chudleigh History Group

Preserving Our Parish History

Welcome to the Chudleigh History Group (CHG) website.

Here you will find information on CHG and an overview of Chudleigh's history (under 'About'); upcoming and past news items ('News'); scheduled talks, walks and visits ('Events'); research articles on town and parish history ('Articles'); publications by CHG or CHG members ('Publications'); a selection of old photographs and illustrations of local places ('Gallery') and links to a number of relevant external resources ('Links'). If you'd like to contact us to comment on this website or to request potential information we might hold on a topic of your own research, please use the 'Contact' page.

The History Group Logo

The History Group logo is in the form of a shield quartered and is a representation of four coats of arms belonging to families once influential in the parish, these being:


Upcoming events

A reminder that there is no meeting in July. Our next meeting will be an Exeter Redcoat Tour of Exeter’s City Walls on 11th August. Places will be limited to members (and their guests) only; check emails for details.

Latest updates

+ [15/7/24] Confirm changed date for Exter visit on Events page